I made some boxes to pack everything in since I couldn't find anything premade that would work. This way I could make sure that it all was pretty and nothing would get damaged or smushed. I used some heavy 12x12 scrapbook paper and up sized box templates from all over the net. The paper come from the same color way so they all match and look spectacular together.
As soon as a saw a lace choker on ojy's wist I knew I had to make on special for her. Of course I couldn't just use store bought lace so I needle tatted up this beauty. This is the first large peicce of tatting that I've done. I love the pearls. They give it that extra bit of class. Oh, the pattern came from This 'n' Tat. I love the net!
Every Loli needs a mini hat. I took inspiration from a wist item that had peacock feathers on it. The feathery part is pin on since I didn't know what side ojy wears her hat. I could make babys all day long. Anyone want one?
At the last minute a kazashi hair accessory came up on ojy's wist (garsh I love wists). So happens I just bought the book Kanzashi In Bloom. I made a couple practice flowers for myself then put this lovley together. I am so impressed with myself I can't even tell you. Mike came up with the idea of shading the fabric for the look I wanted. I used colored pencils and blended them with my fingers. Sakura blossoms are my favorite. *sigh* So pretty.