Thursday, February 11, 2010

Epic Fail

Just before the schedualed back up of my computer my hard drive died. Not reformat-and-load- back-up die. No, please-install-hard-drive die. Thankfully my most recent crafting photos are still on my camera or up on flickr. Unfortunatly, I think of new things every couple hours or so that I have lost. About 6 months worth of pjoto originals, all my crafty web favorite links and the rerip of the 6000 MP3s that I was fileing and uploading to iTunes. Damn, I just remembered all the clip art from Dover and Vintage Moth. Bleh, well, pics from ATC swaps to come this week.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Inchies and One Tiny Thing

A crazy month of swapping is almost over. Most of my partners have received in the Inchies, It's a New Year Swap and sloth003 got her One Tiny Thing yesterday.

I sent Miss Slothy a wallet because she hinted at it in the last OTT swap gallery. She said she liked bright colors and geometric paterns. Here is what I came up with.

And here is the prototype I made for myself. My last wallet made from a comic book was getting a little small with all the discount cards in it. My version also has no pocket for cash since I don't carry any. Oh, and button and ribbon closure (like the DS case) because I managed to forget to sew on some velcro.

Can you tell where my priorities lie? Fabric, books and books, baby!

This is the full set of inchies. 56 in all. I started with some crazy quilt blocks made from shiny bits of scrap. Cut those down and added embelishments. Way more hand sewing than I originaly planned on but garsh they look good.

Then I had this great idea that all my partners should have personalized inchie boxes to store them all in. I drew the boxes out in Corel, colored the base design with markers then stamed on the detail. I narowed the stamps down to two sets so I would go completely crazy. I really thing I had too much time on my hands that week.

When the boxes are put together they look like this.

I need to go get pics of the Ongoing ATCs I sent out as well as the 3x3 ATCs when they are finished off. I really impressed myself with those ones.