Thursday, November 27, 2008
Early Thanksgiving and Busy At Work
I was going to bring home a bunch of pics from classes at work. But then, out of nowhere, the Army got a virus. We are not allowed ANY external memory devices. Thumb drives and even burning a CD are right out. It will take millennia to email myself all the photos so it may be a minute until those go up.
I have been sewing and crocheting a bunch. I made 5 little wrap around skirts for the Irish Dance recital last month. Someone must have pics of that somewhere.... I'm also trying to finish up a granny square tote bag that was started at the beginning of the year.
Early Thanksgiving for Drew was fun. He is going down range so the neighbors had dinner a week early. Stay safe dude!
On my list of things to make:
1 crocheted turtle
1 quilted turtle
1 hat for the hubby (got camo yarn for it already)
1 crochet sweater (lots of patterns, no patience)
After 2nd Thanksgiving this week and on the road to Mike’s eyesurgery I will have plenty of time for the hooking. Pics to follow (especially if I go buy a new camera)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Lots Of Work
I got all my homework finished and my final exam is complete. I now should have much more time to do actual art instead of just learning about its history. That is of course if my neighbors let me be a hermit. How can I make stuff when they keep cooking me dinner and making me drink German beer? Have you ever tried to crochet drunk? Bleh. Don't do it. Oh, and all this in time for Mike to come back from a month in Romania. *squee* He said he has been drawing some tattoo designs. I've been hoping he would get back into illustration so I can use his drawings for my art. (I'm so selfish) His hand drawn stuff translates well into embroidery and sometimes art quilts. I'm tottaly in love with Ed Hardy's stuff and think Mike's designs would look great on some shoes or a hat. I'll paint em if he draws em.
The good thing about working so much lately is all the creative stuff I've been able to do for customers. Lots of standard plaques and framed art but also neat engraving and intersting shadow boxes. I spent most of my day hand stitching a peewee football jersey so that it would lay flat. Then I had to stitch it to the background mat board. Chalanging, but time consuming. I'll take some pics of work stuff since personal atr seems to have gone out the window last month. And I missed sign ups for this round of Alphabet ATCs. Pooh, I'm gonna miss out on JKL. Personal Swap anyone? I need some thing to work on.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Yes, that is Nathan Fillion and Neil Patrick Harris in a Joss Whedon mini web show. It is curently down loading (ever so slowly) onto iTunes. I will post later to tell you how much you should drool and if it was worth my $6.
Grrr, Arrrrgh
Edit to add....
DUUUUUUUUUUDE!!!!! Posibly the best $6 I have ever spent. And I know this isn't strictly craft related but really I wouldn't be a craft nerd without all the other nerd bits too.
So, should you buy this? Yes! Is Joss a God? Yes! Does Nathan Fillian look good in a tight shirt with permanently erect nipples? Always! (though I'ma sucker for the under dog so I was totaly into Dr. Horrible)
Ok, back to crafting.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Some Day
Some day I will do homework on time so I don't have to cram enough reading for 2 quizzes into one day.
Some day the tech department will learn to ask "is it plugged in?" before telling me there must be major problems in the phone line.
Some day people will stop flaking on me and I will be able to have faith in people.
Some day I will be my own boss and be able to do it MY WAY.
Some day I will have plenty of time to blog once a week. Its a goal of mine, really.
Untill then here are 3 paper quilled flowers on ATCs for the Alphabet swap part GHI.
(pics to follow as soon as I down load them from the camera, duh)
Monday, May 19, 2008
As Promised
Monday, May 12, 2008
Resolution Broken
I promise (cross my heart and hope to die) that I will post pics and more by the end of the week. I have tons from the latest class of kids sewing monsters and my one on one class, we finaly have a doll with arms AND legs.
The rest of the night will be spent finishing my ATCs for the DEF part of the swap. And the rest of the week will be for finishing up the 8 more pirate flags on comision for Mikes soldiers. I'm bored to death with them but its good money so I shouldn't complain.
Please drop a coment in the box if you enjoy my site or have any ideas about its improval (other than posting more-I already crossed my heart)
Friday, April 04, 2008
Fat ATCs and Legos

One more tid bit.... I am totaly hooked on a podcast called Craftcast. It has been around for a few years but I just recently stumbled across it. If you don't know about it yet visit the site or subscribe on iTunes. This is an amazingly insprational and informational cast. Learn about new techniques and products and feel good about craft and art. It makes the artist in me smile big. Thanks Alison Lee for all the good stuff.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Hyatus Over!!!
My parents and I have been brain storming the last couple of weeks about opening an art studio near them in Pahrump, Nevada. It is tough for me to do anything from all the way in Germany but the inspiration has been rolling. Dad even asked how big of a place I might want as though he is looking and Mom may have found our first kiln and pottery wheels. It may be a couple years until me and Mike are at a place where we can help but it gives me such hope for a future of not working for other people and doing what I love. Besides, how cool would it be to teach and be around creative people all day. It will be a cool place for our (in the distant future) children to grow up.
Much crafting this week for swaps and commissions. Plus I really need to get started on Angie's baby stuff. She's about ready to pop. Many pics too I hope!
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Much Swapage
Now that Hubby is home I'm back to crafting more stuff. I'm totaly addicted to crochet right now and am much closer to the crocheted tire cover for my Jeep that I have been dreaming of. I'm also teaching sewing to the kidos again. Weekly classes with K and an upcoming class with Girl Scouts and SAS. Plus ALOT of people are asking about crochet classes (more than quilting amazingly). Lots of work to do at the real job after this nice 4 day weekend I gave myself. More projects to follow this week.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
A Long List
*Buy t-shirt
*Take pics of Reading Rainbow package
Print pics of previous swaps to put in journal
Mail Reading Rainbow and Mom's box
For Classes:
*Make sample for embroidery with many differant stitches
*Go through pamphlet and pick best stitches for class
Take pictures during class
Ides for SAS Sewing Club
For Me:
*Monster hoodie (make extra teeth, knee in jeans is gonna rip soon)
*Welcome home sign
*Get together poly-clay and embroidery stuff for overnight
*Cook Gidget a casserole
Start Angie's Baby shirts
clean (optional)
More Flags
Tayloring for V.C. (by Wed)
Friday, February 08, 2008
Blowing Off Some Steam
The purpose of the challange was to create something to help you fulfill a New Year's resolution. I.e. if your resolution is to be move environmentaly aware then you could make reuseable shopping bags. The current vote leader's resolution was to use her fabric stash. Her entry is an item using her fabric stash. This is NOT what the contest is about. There is even lengthy discusion in the challange thread about this from weeks before.
snowyangle: "My resolution is to use up my fabric that seems to keep piling up all the time! I hope that counts."
sweets4ever: "As long as your challenge entry is something that helps you achieve that resolution (a fabric organizer, a calendar charting out all of the projects you're going to work on, plans to build a house out of fabric, etc.), it
sweet4ever: "We never disqualify people/projects, so if someone didn't follow the challenge concept/rules, they might be included in the list, but I'm sure they'll get less votes in the end."
Can you at least understand why I'm sooooooo frustrated by this? I don't mind losing but I hate to lose to someone who clearly didn't read the rules or thread of discusion before entry. And obviously nobody voting read the rules either no matter what we would like to belive. I'm sure most of this is total PMS but I think I'm justified in this argument. I just didn't want to post on the original thread and to stir up trouble.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
No Internet
Lastly, my entry to Crafster Challange #24. The theme was to craft something to help with New Year's resolution. I want a tattoo so I decopaged and giant pickle jar and a blank book. The jar to help me collect some money and the book to keep track of ideas and sketches. There were some left over cut outs that I made into magnets.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Angry Hampster
He is made from a pattern in Mr. Funky's Super Crochet Wonderful. His face is embroidered cause I have no safety eyes. He is my first officially finished Amigurumi animal.
This is a cute little flower made from one of the free patterns on I used it as a sample in a crochet class I taught. It was perfect for showing the differences in stitch height and how to put many together to make an object. I will totally wear it in my hair.