Here is Davey. As in Jones. It is a fitting name since I made him while watching Pirates of the Carribean and because he is "all tenticle-y." Some day I hope to make him a hat. Once I get a good human patern I want to make a Tia Dalma too. The pattern comes from PepperKitty on Crafster.

Family Photo: Luau the pig looks nervous and Cthulhu looks like he found a long lost relative.

Originaly I was going to cut up my junk mail to make these beads but it didn't have enough text. I LOOOOOOOVE words. I love them individualy, together as language and simply as texture in arty things. The simple black and white print looks great with some faceted beads, don't you think?

Lastly, my entry to Crafster Challange #24. The theme was to craft something to help with New Year's resolution. I want a tattoo so I decopaged and giant pickle jar and a blank book. The jar to help me collect some money and the book to keep track of ideas and sketches. There were some left over cut outs that I made into magnets.

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